Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The things that come out of my mother's mouth...

My sister came home for Thanksgiving, making it the first time that she, my mother, my father, and myself had occupied the same space for a significant amount of time in... I can't even remember how long. It's rare that we are all together, even if we lived in the same town. But to keep with tradition, my mother graced us with one of her famous moments which my sister, Danielle, and I have deemed a 'Momism'.

It's breakfast time. I have just gotten home from work and am sitting at the dinning room table with my sister next to me and my mother making a Christmas wreath at the head of the table, when my father comes out to join the conversation. The conversation turns into a discussion of weather and how it is getting colder. The discussion of the winter, of course, leads to conversation of winter activities.

Dad: Danielle's never been ice fishing.
Danielle: No. But I've been polar bear diving.
Mom: (Looks at her with disgust) Are you serious?
Danielle: ...Yeah. I've jumped into a river in the middle of winter.
Mom: Oh... I thought you meant going into a shaved putty-tutty.

And for those who can't figure it out. A 'putty-tutty' is my mother's word for... well... I'm sure you can figure it out if you think about things that can be shaved that one might 'go into'.

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