Me: Did you just say 'cock'?
Mom: No.
Mom: No.
Danielle: I thought I hear that too.
Dad: I wasn't going to say anything but I saw Brandi catch it as well.
Mom: I did not say that.
All of us: Yes you did.
Mom: Why are you picking on me?
Me: We aren't picking on you. We're just trying to figure out how the word 'cock' fits into anything you were saying.
Mom: It doesn't. That's why I didn't say it.
Then the next day at breakfast the same topic came up and my mother's denial continued, except this time... she gave us an excuse:
Danielle: No. You said cock.
Mom: I did not. I was in the middle of saying a word and stopped. That's what you heard.
Me: If so, you would have been in the middle of saying the word 'country'. Then you would have said 'cunt', not 'cock'.
Dad: (yells from a distant room in the house) That's right!
Mom: I didn't say cock!
Me and Danielle: Yes you did!
Mom: No I didn't! Now stop talking about it or I'm going to wash all of your mouths out with soap.
Your mom is hilarious when she tried to deny she said something, especially when 3 of you heard it at the same time!!
Ok, so I just spent the last 10 days reading BWYDT, and saw your A/N about your blog. Randomly reading posts and this one totally made me laugh out loud, mainly because these are the same types of conversations I end up having with my parents and siblings...except I'm usually the one with mumblemouth disease. Thanks for the laugh!