My parents have never really been big fans of video games. Well, maybe with Atari. And we rarely had video games in the house. A Sega Genesis that lasted about a year. Then a GameCube that was solely mine. But then... enter the Wii.
They loved Wii Bowling from the first time they were talked into playing it, but after spending some time with that, I tried to get my mother to branch out a bit more. She opted for Wii Boxing. I spent a few minutes showing her how if she moved her hands, the hands on her Mii moved as well and would punch my Mii. She got it quickly and was ready to go. We are both standing in front of the TV watching as the countdown flashes over the screen. 3... 2... 1...
Suddenly the woman jumps sideways and starts punching me in the arm as fast as she possibly can, laughing and grinning ear to ear as she did so. Once I was snapped out of my shock by the pain she was inflicting, I tried to retreat but she followed, continuing her assault on my arm. I'm yelling for her to stop but it's nearly impossible to hear over the roaring and hysterical laughter from my cousins who were watching my mother beat the crap out of me from the safety of the couch. I retreat a bit further into the kitchen and she yields, only to say: "What are you doing? You can't fight from over there!"
After a moment of staring wide-eyed at the woman as she playfully bounces her weight from side to side, ready to pounce again the second I return to the living room, I shake my head. "You aren't suppose to actually hit me!"
She freezes, straightens her posture and looks at the Miis on the TV. "Oh."
I have never played another video game with my mother since then.
Yeah this is why I don't play video games with my tends to take too long and they still don't get it :p
Lol! I cant stop laughing. Playing with parents never ends up well.