I love optical illusions. I'm not entirely sure why, but they fascinate me. I think it might be that something as complex as our minds can be so easily tricked. Or, looking at if from the other end of things, it's amazing that our minds are so advanced that they try to find logical explanations for things without us feeling as if we are 'thinking' in order to do it. Who really knows?
But why am I bringing this up? Well, I was shuffling through so pictures I had taken on a past vacation and I found the one posted below. It looks as if the hallway just keeps going, BUT in reality, you can't actually walk past where I'm standing. It actually narrows down until it's just a foot or so high. Also, ten points of coolness if anyone knows where this photo was taken.
Wow this is trippy haha, I love optical ilusions too. But I have no idea where that photo was taken.
I'm going to take a guess and say it's in a hallway in or under a bridge?
Or the underside of a ship.