Sunday, November 28, 2010


So this is my offical welcome to the itwasadream blog.

I have been motivated to start this page as my little place in the world to share my thoughts and words. I will be posting all of the things you have requested or shown interest in reading here. I will post my fictional stories, true life stories, as well as more of my poetry.

This blog is my personal link to all of you, so feel free to comment, ask questions, make requests. Anything you want.


  1. i followed you over here from fanfic! im so excited you put this together. im soo looking forward to seeing more of your work.

    thanks so much for this!

    (fanfic username: smearedblackinks)

    ps. i think im addicted to you :D

  2. Mmmm, bookmarked you are!

  3. i found your work on ffn and i fell in love (with your writing that is). i cant wait to see more from you, especially your poetry. thank you for sharing it with us all.
