Sunday, January 30, 2011

Not for the Religiously Inclined

Getting back into the swing of things and once again hitting on the topic of school. Also, put up a poll in the side bar to see what you all are interested in. Just testing the waters.


In high school, our American Lit teacher required us to make a presentation on a Bible story. Now, I'm leaving all references of the 'separation of church and state' out of this story, or the fact that we were only allowed to use the New Testament regardless of our own religious preference. This story is more about a friend I took this class with. She came from a very alternative family compared to most and when given the assignment, she struggled, mostly because she had never read the Bible and had no clue as to what most of the stories were about.

Yet as typical high school students, we procrastinated and waited until the day before our presentations were due to actually work on them, taking every free minute we had to piece together the three to five minute explination and speech. We sat outside at lunch, eating and working; my friend with The Bible in hand. (A piece of information you will need is that our high school was near a beach and was therefore plagued with seagulls flying around in search of left over fries from the cafeteria or that little piece of a sandwich that someone dropped and never bothered to pick up. Dozens if not hundreds of them everywhere.)

So, there we were, sitting on the ground surrounded by notebooks and the 'holiest book in the world', with seagulls flying above, when this happens.

Friend 1: (Slams her fist down on the Bible and looks up at the seagulls, pointing her index finger at them) I swear to God, if you fucking birds shit on this Bible, I will kill you.
Me: (turns to look at friend 2 with an equally shocked expression) How many commandments do you think she broke with that single sentence?
Friend 2: She took Gods name in vain, she cursed, and she threatened a life.
Me: (looking back at friend 1) You're going to Hell.
Friend 1: (rolling her eyes) Whatever. Not like either of you two are Saints.



  1. it!

    When I first read it, I was thinking..maybe you were in south georgia. Then, you mentioned a beach. I don't know where else in the nation they do assignments like that (besides south georgia), but I completely understand.

  2. Hehe, that is a good number of commandments to break in one sentence.
    That seems a really odd assignment, especially for a literature class. Then again I think there are quite a few differences in approach between the English and the American education systems. I wish I lived near a beach (might pick a warmer sea too though).

  3. Lol, i cant stop laughing!
