Monday, January 3, 2011

A Picture Is Worth 1,000 What?

You know how people say a picture is worth a thousand words? Well, I found out recently that they are also worth 1,000 questions which form an interrogation that has now made me question how invasive pictures can be into one's life. For example, I was messing around with my camera and took the picture posted below. I never deleted it from the card afterward and when I was unloading them all onto my computer a friend began making observations in the form of questions.

Did you take that? Yes.
Is that your bedroom? Yes.
Do you ever make your bed? No.
Is that your top sheet covering the windows? Yes.
Have you ever thought of putting up curtains? Yes.
Are you going to? No.
Is that a picture of an eyeball on your wall? Yes.
Whose eye is that? Mine.
Yours? Yes.
Doesn't that creep you out to have by your bed? No.
It would creep me out. ...
Did you take all those pictures? Yes.
Do you ever answer a question in more than one word? ...yes.
...Smart ass.


  1. Is it creepy if I comment on this post by asking for more pictures? ;)

  2. Depends on what you want pictures of... ;)

  3. I would like to see what you look like ;)

  4. Well ... I have to say that you seem very talented to take nice pictures ! :)

  5. Are all those pictures on your wall taken by you? Also what camera did you use?

  6. Yes I took all of those pictures and most of them were taken with a Nikon D60. I love that camera.

  7. Photos really can be intrusive into life without meaning it or even noticing. Just with what's in the background of them that you don't even realise is there. It's something I've realised recently with a variation of a photo 365 I'm attempting.
    Though a lot of the time I like the fact that photos can bring about 1000 questions so you can find out what someone's seen, why, what their intention behind the photo was, a little insight into their world I guess.
    And if you have a photo of an eye on your wall then surely its less creepy to have your own eye than someone else's.
