Friday, February 25, 2011


Finally, I am here. Boxes are in the apartment, though not unpacked, but I am here. Officially moved in.

However, three things crossed my mind today:

1) Holy freaking hell. I forgot how hot it gets down south.

2) I don't remember packing that many boxes.

3) Why, oh why did we have to have an apartment on the second floor?

But anyway. My time of neglecting this blog and my writing has come to an end. I've stumbled across some old journals filled with random scribbles of thoughts and poems that I will be posting. I've also got some stories to type up and some questions to get to later on. I'm hoping to have lots of time on my hands so I can form a schedule so to speak and keep everything moving. I'll be posting again soon!


  1. Haha too many boxes? Well you cand relax for a while and then really set in.
    I'd love to read some of your thoughts, and of course more stories :)


  2. Boxes multiply in transport, it's well known.
    There are pluses to living on the second floor, even if it doesn't feel like it when you move in or have just been shopping for heavy things, leaving windows and things open is the first I can think of. Plus if you live on the ground floor you end up missing the stairs (or I did anyway - I've lived in ground, first and second floor flats and always preferred the second floor one).
    Oh and don't complain about heat =P, if you don't want it you could always try sending it my way. I'm cold even though it's been a fairly average 6 or 7Cish today so I shouldn't be!
