Saturday, January 1, 2011

'Discussions' and My Parents

I’ve always known my family was different from other kids’ families. I didn’t know why or even how, but I knew it was. Then there were always conversations like this that made me think that maybe I was on the right track to figuring out the true uniqueness of my family.

Me: (Coming out of my room as my parents finally stop yelling at each other over whose checking account a twenty dollar check is going to be deposited into. And yes, they have separate checking accounts but they have access to each other's. Why? I don't know, but that's not the point. Back to the point.) You two sure are fighting a lot lately.
Mom: We are not fighting.
Me: Yes you are. You've been sitting here yelling at each other all morning.
Mom: This is not a fight. This is a discussion.
Me: Well your 'discussions' are what 90% of the world would define as a fight.
Mom: No. A fight is when I tell your father to go to hell.

They will be celebrating their thirtieth anniversary of a happy marriage this year, which brings up another unique story. How they got married... twice. Or hell, how they got even together.

My father had become friends with a guy who had a crush on my mother. My mom and this guy had known each other for years and he was planning on asking her to be his girlfriend and all that good stuff. But two weeks after my father was introduced to her, he beat his buddy to it and asked my mother to move with him to Texas. She did. Two weeks after meeting him, she moved in with him and while eating a meal together he said 'Lets get married'. They did.

But then came the problem with that picture, my grandmother. Who after some time of thinking my mother was living in sin with a man, threatened my father's life if they were ever to get married without my grandmother present. To spare his life or loss of any particular body part, they arranged a second wedding, allowing everyone to believe it was their first. So while technically while this is the year for their 30th anniversary, they have celebrated 60 anniversaries together. Not to bad for two people who are in their fifties.


  1. LOL they're just like my parents, mine are married for 43 years and everytime my father manage to piss off my mom she tell me : "I'm not going to finish my life with him...". And I just look at her and roll my eyes.

  2. At least, I know where the idea of the Faberry's wedding in BWYDT is coming from. ;) It was fast, at the beginning, nobody understood it, but they were just meant to be, just like your parents ! :)

  3. 30yrs! hey thats a very good marriage! tell you're parents i said Congratulations...twice.

