Sunday, February 6, 2011

My Confession

I have a confession to make. I, am a dork. In many ways but those other ones don't really matter. The reason I am referring to at the moment is my love for museums and aquariums. I can't exactly explain what it is about them that draws me in and keeps my mind happy, but it works every time. I love museums and aquariums so much, that they would actually be an ideal date for me (something to keep you talking as well as dim lighting should you two already be familiar with each other). Especially the aquarium my parents and I visited on our last family vacation in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I could have spent hours in there.

This aquarium actually has two separate buildings. One focusing on river life and the second focusing on ocean life. Here are some pictures I took during our visit. As always, click to see them larger.

Going through all of these photos reminded me of a few stories to share so I will be getting to those tomorrow. I will also get back to some of your questions.


  1. You should send in some of your picture to a magazine or something. You could be a real life BWYDT Quinn.

  2. There is nothing wrong with being a dork. Dork is the new cool :)


  3. Those pics are awesome, B. I loved the ones of the turtle and the seahorse. Can't wait to hear the stories behind these.

  4. I love the last one, don't suppose you can remember what kind of turtle he is?

  5. Dork is definately the new cool - especially in situations where you're taking awesome photos. Love the one of the seahorse. :)

